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will add title later

We learn about a crashed UFO just two years ago in central park, It was someone thing that was not able to be covered up with so many people taking video and pic of it, the law and military was on the in with in the hour, but by then hundreds of people was already on the sense and the new has already had it on live news. The year now is 2022. The government not able to cover it up was on the news and told the people that sense the world knows of this by now that they will share what they find and share the knowledge that the get from the UFO. One the they said that they have assigned a few reporter to be part of what they learn and would have assess to the base that they have took the UFO. What they first discoverd was that there was no pilot on the ship. Within the two years we have advanced our technology by 200 years. We have such advancement that people would never have thought possible and everything we new science ,math,medicine and other areas was like we were in the stone age. We have new clean energy, we have new computer that is as big as a dime but when turned on it can morph in to any size up to a desktop size computer and had the power that can update itself parts power it is a self learning and self upgrade type of PC. Alone as we have people on mars, and space travel. We can now travel the twice the speed of light , we have fixed most of the problems of earth. We have powerful spacestation that can track meteors that can are called planet destoryers and vaporizing them into dust , we don’t have nukes any more but weapons that makes nukes like fire crackers, we have bases on the moon, and we even made it were people can live on it like a earth like planet, just from the knowledge we have learned from the UFO. We have mapped out other solar systems, and new planet that can support life , we have a few ships to explore those systems a few months ago. But with this knowledge people has been more greedy and power hungry, they are mining a few moons in our system around our own planets. But we have picked up a signal just out side of our solar system of a few huge objects heading toward us. This is our first real contact from another life out there . But with what we learn and have in technology . I don’t think we have anything to worry about.

this is just the first page let me know what you think , the story is going some where that i hope surprise you it might just be a very short story but if you want to have fun with it and maybe come up with ideas please share .

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Part 3

The next day at the motel, I decided to start not only looking for a job but a new place to live even if it was with someone and on Facebook, I found a page called Roomster it was people that were either looking for roommates in your area and price range, so I started to look and got a few replies and found this one that the pic of the woman wasn’t that bad looking and even though it was a little much, I thought if I get the place for a month I should have a job by then, the area was maybe 5 miles from me, the woman and me set up to meet at her place and when I saw her I thought it was her grandmom, nope it was her not the woman in the pic, lol. but I knew I could not be too picky so we talked for a bit and decided that she wanted me as a roommate I just needed to pay her upfront and a little deposit I think, it has been an about two years now but anyways, she showed me my room and it had its own bathroom the place was beautiful and large, her rent was due and she was short half the money but I could not move in until I got some info for the front office but I went ahead and gave her the money to help her with the rent,  a few days later I got the info I needed for the front off and then my last day at the motel I left a few days before my end day and they gave me half my money back because I didn’t stay the whole week, with all that has happened to me until this point I put my faith into Gods’ hand, I wasn’t all that worried I knew he would help me and he did. I had a large duffle bag and backpack that had all my stuff if I had to guess all of it was about 50 pounds I carried with me. so I got a uber driver and they took me to the woman’s address. When I got there she invited me in and showed me my room again, I didn’t unpack but put my stuff in the corner. went into the front room where she was and we chat for a bit, she was telling me a bit about herself. then shortly I said to her I need to shower and do my clothes. when I got done with all of that I went to my room and relaxed the rest of the day, I also locked my door, just in case. I started to watch some shows on my iPad until I fell asleep.

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Part 3

The next morning , I got a cab to take me to the shelter. once I got there the   place was large , I went into the place and the person at the front desk asked me how he can help, I told him that I need a place to sleep that I have no place ,he gave me some papers to to fill out , after about half an hour I gave it to him and I had to let him go through my stuff and the only thing he kepted was after shaving lotion. He then told me that I would have my own person  to help me but she was on break but in the mean time he told me that , I can not ever leave my stuff there I have to take it with me all the time and when I sleep I had to sleep with my shoes on, after he told me a few more thing like when to be there at night before I was locked out, jobs to do everyday different things like that. then the woman came in and I meet up with her she asked me a few questions to put into her computer, things like what I want there if I was sick or need medical help after about an hour it was lunch time she told me to go to another building and where to go, Then I went there to have some lunch then back to the place I was going to stay . a few people was sitting around ,I found a place to sit and was listen to a few people talking to each other about just getting out of prison and some was wanting to try and get some drugs from others there. after I heard talks like this for a while I knew this place wasn’t for me. I wanted to a place I could feel safe and be able to rest with no worries, So I called a cab again and had then take me to a place called extended stay motel, where I could pay by the week , I got there and paid for a week.  after I signed in and dropped my stuff off I went out to explore the area a bit and went to two temp services to get a job but they had nothing at the time ,then I went out to eat before I went back to my room for the night.

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New Start part 2

When I got to Kentucky it was late so I got a cab to the closest motel and stayed a night or two, checking things out like where the storage area was ,the shelter was from me. the first day I went to the storage area and my storage   pod was there for me to unload , the got it as close to my storage unit as they could but it was still a few hundred feet away. I know it don’t seem like that far but with some of my items I had I felt like a long trip back and forth, but one of my items was a table with wheels on it and I just stacked what It as next to mine it seem like he was just looking at his stuff but he had a hand cart and said I could us it to get my stuff , so that helped a lot about two hour of getting my stuff in to my unit , I thank the older man and asked if he needed any help , he did not. Then I went to the office and bought a lock for my unit and paid a month ahead, called the cab and when back to my motel room, to shower and relax. My plans for the next day was to sign out of the room and go to the shelter to stay for a bit , but for the rest of the day I went and got me something to eat and just relaxed rest of the day and night.

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New start

About a week or so after I signed the divoiced  papers ,it was time for me to go and start over. I did some research of where to go and start over, I looked up a shelter in kentucky and from what I read was a place that seem to be a good  place to stay and they would help me find a job and then a place to live after a bit of time being there  I even got a storage place ready for me stuff that I shipped there ,so I have to be there before my stuff get there so I can put it all in storage. I booked a ticket for that week to head out, I order a moving pod that was dropped of at my place for me to load my stuff up and then call them to pick it up when I am ready, once I was done packing my stuff I called them and told them it was ready to be shipped. The next morning I called a cab and it took me to the bus station, I missed the bus by one minute so I had to wait 8 hours before the next one, I stayed a few hours and then rented a motel to sleep a few hours then went back to the bus station, it was that time to get on the bus, The way I look at it is a leap of faith and trust in God to what happens.  I will try to send one of these a day to share with you what happened until now, this was about two years ago. thanks for reading

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You Are Entitled


Yesterday, a friend posted this meme on Facebook.


And in a way, I agree.

It aggravates me (like it probably aggravates everyone) to hear people complain that Life is not fair.

No. Life is not fair.

Sometimes you don’t get the job, even though you deserve it. Sometimes your marriage ends even though you gave it your best. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. And sometimes, good things happen to bad people.

Sometimes you have a right to complain your ass off. Cheating and discrimination and abuse should be exposed. By screaming.

But sometimes people bitch about trivial shit that – although certainly unfair – is just too bad. Just suck it up.

Someone cut in line and got waited on first. Someone got praised at the office for work that you did. Someone happened to be born richer than you.

Suck it up.

So, yeah, in some ways, …

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Feline- White Charcoal Drawing

Very cool, keep up the great work

Stoner on a rollercoaster

This is what you do when you literally can’t lift your shoulders from the bed.


I need an indicator to tell me how bad my muscles are going to hurt as a side effect of the amount of work I am overwhelming myself with.

had a cleaning and decluttering day yesterday. nearly killed me this morning.

the reason I only read a few posts. I will read them tomorrow maybe.

as I was getting bored and boredom Evokes unsettling lunacy in me, I started working with white charcoal pencil following a tutorial obviously.

and enjoyed it!

Copyright © 2018 stoneronarollercoaster – All rights reserved

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{Little Drummer} A Story + Christmas Photography

Allison Marie

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“Come,” they told me, “a newborn King to see.”

The journey was long, but we were strong.

“Our finest gifts we bring… to lay before the King.”

Blankets and wool against the cool.

“So to honor him… when we come.”

Kneel down, creaking sounds; bow low, down we go.

My father and the other shepherds knelt beside the manger in awe, but I stood back. I had come to see a king, and here was a child wrapped in dirty rags and laid in a feeding trough. I had come to see a palace, and here was a drafty stable shed. I had come to honor him, but he didn’t even look at me. The baby’s eyes were closed and he slept silently.

But then I remembered what the angels said, and a thrill of fear pierced me again at the thought of their thundering voices and blindingly bright faces, faces that had seen God Himself and yet deigned to appear to us, the lowest of…

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Christmas List

This is for fun,  First I like to make a small list of things I like for Christmas and then I like you to do the same just a few things.

first the basics, some socks, yes socks lol

xl t-shirts white Hanes I think is the best brand

xl men’s long robe darker colors

ps4 webcam

a few ps4 RPG games sound good and fun.

Ok that is about it now I like to know what you would like to have let me know


I think people do this for fun when they teach their kids about Santa, but if you think about it, you are giving a fake guy credit of the hard work you do to get gifts for your kids. I did the Santa thing when I was a little kid so I know how fun it is but I think the kids would have just as much fun if the knew the gifts were from you as well,  this is my thoughts on this what is yours?

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The old hotel – 100 words

Stories from the Heart

A short post to share the ‘ghost themed’ story I entered into a 100 word competition last month.  I didn’t win, but here it is, just for fun!

Everyone in town thinks the hotel is haunted, but I disagree.  That’s why I’m staying here tonight.

Gone midnight, still awake.  Creaks rattle around the echoey room, but I’m fine.  There’s no such thing as ghosts.

My bathroom door slams and I leap into the air.  I’m startled, not scared, it’s someone’s idea of a joke.  I’ll get them back.

Silence cocoons me as I approach, intending to burst inside, but before I get there, the door flies open and a piercing cackle flies through me, hitting the wall with a thud.

Now I’m scared.

I run and scream, “ghost!”

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