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New start

About a week or so after I signed the divoiced  papers ,it was time for me to go and start over. I did some research of where to go and start over, I looked up a shelter in kentucky and from what I read was a place that seem to be a good  place to stay and they would help me find a job and then a place to live after a bit of time being there  I even got a storage place ready for me stuff that I shipped there ,so I have to be there before my stuff get there so I can put it all in storage. I booked a ticket for that week to head out, I order a moving pod that was dropped of at my place for me to load my stuff up and then call them to pick it up when I am ready, once I was done packing my stuff I called them and told them it was ready to be shipped. The next morning I called a cab and it took me to the bus station, I missed the bus by one minute so I had to wait 8 hours before the next one, I stayed a few hours and then rented a motel to sleep a few hours then went back to the bus station, it was that time to get on the bus, The way I look at it is a leap of faith and trust in God to what happens.  I will try to send one of these a day to share with you what happened until now, this was about two years ago. thanks for reading


I am a part time gamer ,and a newbie writer. also this is my first real blog. If you want to know something about me just ask.

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