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My Revised Book

Then I am happy to introduce to this amazing book.
By the name Mark Garrett, A dedicated writer bringing to you this intense story that will have you engaged in his first book called Jake Shepard -The Deadliest Threat. Revised 1
A story that involves an average man, Having discovered his abilities after touching a mysterious glowing ball in the woods.
And further to state he discovers a new line of deadly creatures in line to destroy or change the human race.
And then he teams up with a secret agency in fighting these creatures and tries as much as possible to stop the drastic extinction coming to mankind.
The book also covers sub-features of both suspense, action, and also a little terrifying.
Now where can you get this book?
You can get it right on amazon by clicking this link
Get your self-engaged today with this interesting story

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Advice for Writers from a Reader Who Loves to Support Writers: Guest Chris Graham (TSRA)

Hey all! Happy day! I’m so excited to introduce to you (and you to) Chris Graham aka The Story Reading Ape as a guest on the blog. Chris is a super supporter of authors and if you haven’… Source: A…

Source: Advice for Writers from a Reader Who Loves to Support Writers: Guest Chris Graham (TSRA)

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newletter 1

I like to share with all of you, I have revised my first book Jake Shepard – The Deadliest Threat Revised 1

You might ask, what is the book about? To make it short, It is a new type of Superhero story, but the way I wrote the story, to me is a possibility even the creatures in the story.

I believe that this is a very good sci-fi action adventure book. I would love to see this book be turned into a movie, I think that this book will catch you from the start to the end of the story. You can find this book in the different place from amazon, barns and noble, even Good-read.

I Hope you at least go to my amazon page and read a little bit about the story.

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First True Story

God does answer prayer, It happened many years ago, It was winter time snow on the roads,around 10 pm, To let you all know even though it was very cold and a lot of snow, The only transportation I had was my 550 motorcycle . So that was the only way to get to work and back home at that time. I was on my way back home from work ,slowly going down a long farm land road . And I lost control and slid off the road and a little a field . I and my motorcycle fell over into the snow which was a good 6 inches. When I got my motorcycle up again, at first it would not start then every time I started it and tried to get it back on the road it just slide more into the field .after about 10 minutes trying to get my motorcycle back on the road , I was a good 10 to 20 feet from the road , everything I tried to do just made it worse. So the only think that I was able to do is put my trust and faith into God. I prayed to him to help me and a short time after that a truck came up and a man got out and walked into the field and he picked up my motorcycle up by himself and walked to the road and put it back down , he waited until I was able to start it back up and then he went further down the road and a car was off the side of the road and he stop to help them out. I thanked God for answering my pray because I know in my heart that God was the reason that man was there. At that moment I felt God in my heart.

So if people say to you how do you know God is real this is one true story that tells you he does answer prayers as long as you believe and have faith in him.

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exchange paperback books

when I get my book revised and published , I would like to do a free paperback book exchange from sci-fi ,adventure, or fantasy books. If you would like to do this let me know and it will be a way to also get a review of our books. but you will have to write a review for the books. I will let you know when my book is published but you can still let me know if you like the idea. thanks

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Making your book better

When you go over a few spell check on your book, and make sure that all the spelling is correct ,then you go over your book a few time getting it edited and make sure the grammar and other things are in much better ways, How do you know when your book is good enough to publish it after all of that and you don’t see any more mistakes . I am sure that a lot of you goes through that , Can you give me ideas or no matter how good you think your book is ,people will always find something you missed.