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What would you do if ?

For the last few nights at work, I been thinking of maybe doing a video series called  What would you do if?

But I would need to test this out this way on let say paper before I go into the video parts I would have to look around and talking to a few people that might beable to help me with either being in the video or the one filming it. But I want to try it this way. First, I will ask a few questions and get your answer to the question, and from that, it will help me know what to do when or if I decided to do the video series. So let start with a few question.

  1. What would you do if, you was in a long line waiting for your turn or buy your product you just picked up. Or ready to place your food order some place like that, if someone behind you handed you a sheet of paper with a pen and you looked at the paper, and it had the tic tac toe on the paper with an x in one of the spaces?

2. what would you do if, you are sitting down for dinner at a restaurant and a person put a nerf gun on your table and walked back to their table and sit down and started to shoot you with their nerf gun?

3. this one is a little scary but what would you do if, you are in a public bathroom sitting down and you hear a moaning sound, and you look down, and from the other stall you see someone just crawl under your stall to get to the other stall making the moaning sound?

Answer this question and be honest, what would you do?