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The Vampire Deer

I will read this later but just the thought of this being a vampire I had to reblog .


Vampire Deer - Siberian Musk Deer Doodlewash in watercolor asian deer Kashmir

Today’s creature has earned the colloquial name of Vampire Deer, but is actually a musk deer. This name refers to any of the seven species that make up the genus Moschus and the one shown here is M. moschiferus, or Siberian musk deer. This unusual animal looks like a cross between a kangaroo and a vampire, with its tusks that resemble fangs, which are used to fend off other males during mating season. Musk deer live mainly in forested and alpine scrub habitats in the mountains of southern Asia, notably the Himalayas. In fact, they are entirely Asian in their present distribution, since they became extinct in Europe.

Musk deer are herbivores, living in lovely forested environments, generally far from any humans. They eat mainly leaves, flowers, and grasses, with a bit of mosses and lichens thrown in. They are solitary animals, and maintain well-defined territories, which they scent mark with their caudal glands (no…

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Posted in Thing you like

No offense meant…

I agree,

Angie Dokos

Hello. Hope you all are well. I’m exhausted, but doing well. I’ve been selling books and trying to write my other one, but there are just not enough hours in the day. I have so much to do and so little time to do it. That seems to be how everyone feels. Which brings me to what I want to blog about today. People being offended by everything. I swear it seems like the least little thing can offend someone. If all these people that take time to complain about other people would use that time to do something useful, life would be so much better for everyone. If I took the time to comment on multiple people’s Facebook posts about how they offend me or hurt my feelings, I would never get anything accomplished. Not to mention it would just cause trouble. I read a post yesterday about a…

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